“What Is Art?” By Jason F. Blakely
A special thank you to Jason Blakely with Poetry is Life Publishing for writing this poem specifically for our third annual State of the Arts on October 23, 2024!
What is Art?
By Jason F. Blakely
Art is the culture’s constant heartbeat.
Our ears, enthusiastic stethoscopes.
Our eyes, telescopes of universal hope.
We hear and see a pulse, strong and vibrant.
Art is a place of safety, creativity, togetherness, healing,
and we all are welcome inside of it.
We feel this pulse in our throats,
watering inside our mouths,
a flower bearing fruit
from soil once spoiled with doubt.
Patiently waiting, fighting to be free-
a song, a story, a poem, a legacy shouts-
We are here!
Words weaved in webs of resilience, power,
purpose, perseverance.
The names of our mothers, fathers,
grandmother’s and grandfather’s,
those who genuinely love you,
speaking greatness into your spirits
well before you were able to hear it.
We feel this pulse in our feet,
an undeniable tingling dance,
a light tapping behind a church pew,
an apprehensive, nervous tapping
in a hospital waiting room.
A synchronized stomping
at a concert or revival.
Cinematographers, and photographers,
dance and theater companies choreograph love,
accurately documenting its survival.
We feel this pulse in our hands-
heavy from holding a fragile yet ferocious hope.
Prayer-this religious, spiritual origami,
fingers folded over one another,
palms protectively pressed together; the bread,
faith-the meat in between.
How lucky we are to have our art feed the masses,
if we dare to trust the process and believe.
Art, this celestial rhythm
that welcomes in the sunrise
with burdensome bugs and a choir of chirping birds.
Coffe, morning news,
social media, sudoku, crosswords,
the cat and mouse back and forth
on the way to work or school
between cars, delivery trucks and squirrels.
Our trails and parks,
elegantly showcasing nature’s art.
The sunset offers a romantic opportunity
for deep conversations or lighthearted talks,
for arms around shoulders
for intimate hand in hand walks,
for young and old love to connect,
or for a moment of solitude-
giving ourselves an opportunity to reflect,
to appreciate, to pour back into
and reconnect with self.
Wisdom creaks from the floorboards
of our elders’ lips.
Crowns of purpose, destiny, acceptance
placed on our foreheads,
cemented with a gentle kiss.
Talents and gifts passed through generations,
a catalyst in forging long lasting friend and relationships.
That ethnic, eclectic rhythm-
hypnotic, melodic, mesmerizing movement
of belly dancers hips,
children’s comedy of brutal honesty,
if you ask them what they think,
they will tell you.
Oh, the innocence of their precocious quips.
School, summer camp, family field trips
to the local libraries, movies theaters
and art museums.
These artists inspired and encouraged
your creativity,
heroes in plain clothes,
so much so that you wanted to be them.
That is what the power of art can do.
The Civic hosting graduations, concerts,
fashion and comedy shows,
book releases, holiday and school Christmas plays,
to the gathering, the celebration of art
we have right now-
proclaimed from the beautiful Knights Stage.
One day, if not already,
someone will tell you because of your art, they are alive-
and they want to be just like you.
That is the power of what art can do.
It is transformative-
like blowing hot liquid glass
into a flower vase or forming it into
stained glass.
Like turning metal into a medal,
in the confidence of possibility we meddle.
Like forming steel into a sculpture,
by the tedious abracadabra of architecture.
Like turning clay
into a cup or a decorative dinner plate.
All art forms are important,
and that is what makes our community great.
Art speaks out against injustice
and speaks accountability into our community,
into our collective soul.
It is beautiful, it is unbreakable,
it is daring, it is bold.
Art gives an unapologetic platform
for difficult questions to be asked.
Art gives an opportunity
for the truth to be told.
When the world is cold,
it opens its arms to us,
helps us heal our wounds.
It encourages us to get back on the battlefield of life,
and with a reinvigorated spirit,
faith in ourselves, and community, we do.
It is within art we see hurt children smile
because they have found their voice.
It is within art we see hurt children smile
because as adults, happiness is their choice.
No longer chained to fear, and what they couldn’t control.
Artistic expression is therapy, it is freedom.
Peace-of mind, of body, of soul is the earned trophy we hold.
We bring a cornucopia of talent,
the skilled knitting and crocheting of souls together-
a blanket of beautiful skin tones, each shade a palette of perfection.
Each artistic expression, unique, valuable in its own way.
Each voice is important enough to be listened to,
respected, even if we disagree with what they say.
As we move forward towards the truth, united
faith leading the way,
we are optimistic about the state of the arts
and what they have to say.
From the culturally diverse communities
of Summit Lake and North Hill,
to the history of East and West Sides, to Goodyear
making its impact locally and worldwide.
To the power and purpose of the Akron Black Artist Guild,
giving people like me a space to grow, to build.
To downtown, to the University, and everywhere in between-
we know the impact of art-
we are grateful to be living our dream.
Summit Artspace, a hub for creativity, ingenuity,
offers a welcoming space to grow as an art community.
From Emerging Artists, to Rising Arts Leaders, to Arts Patrons,
To Arts Educators, and Collaborative Projects, to IDEA Leaders,
to Outstanding Artists in their field of Visual Art, Music, Theater,
and Literature, to Lifetime Achievements,
the arts are alive, in the city and county, the state,
all day, every day 365.
To the artists and art communities lesser known,
we are committed to acknowledging you,
supporting you, and helping you grow.
Thank you, I thank all of you
for your dedication and service,
making this all worthwhile,
as we celebrate and honor the impact of the arts,
right here, right now.