Light and Oneness: Finding an Awakening in Art with Leah Wake Rzepka

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hug a painting? So did Summit County painter Leah Wake Rzepka, who created a line of “huggable paintings:” handmade pillows featuring her own artwork.

Photo of a pillow

A huggable pillow inspired by the Turkish nazar amulet, designed to protect against the ‘evil eye.’

Leah works with a huge range of media, but in everything she does, she tries to channel a feeling of oneness. She uses her art as a light, hoping to bring love and spiritual growth to others. Lately, she’s been working on a tactile study for the blind, a book of illustrations, stained glass, and a traveling art installation. She’s also helping another local artist do donor work installing mosaic walls in hospitals, synagogues, and universities.

Photo of picture frames

Leah paints “to not only awaken [her] own mind, but to shine a light upon the world through all of [her] work.” She strives to “translate the unspoken language of an awakening mind through art.”

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