From a Wardrobe’s Perspective
Twinsburg Community Theatre’s “Beauty and the Beast”
Guest Blogger: Stacy Lee Link

“Madame de la Grande Bouche” translated means “lady with the big mouth” meaning I was cast perfectly! I have a loud, rambunctious voice and the personality that goes along with it! Don’t be fooled though, this has only been my second show in my whole adult life! Most people would argue that cause as soon as I step into that spotlight I AM MADAME. Being a part of the “Castle Cast” it’s safe to say we are #squadgoals. Lumiere and Cogsworth’s humor can make you laugh to the point of tears. Where Mrs. Potts is the voice of reason when talking to her Chip. Then there’s Babette in all her sassiness and of course Madame and her diva-like antics. Who wouldn’t want to be on a team of enchanted objects like that?!
It’s hard to believe only a few months ago we walked into our first rehearsal. We have come a long way from reading the script to literally putting on pieces of dishware to become the characters that we were meant to play. I sit out the first couple of scenes of the show and I get chills every time “Belle” is performed! When Belle belts out “there must be more than this provincial life” it’s like watching the stage show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios! It warms my heart bringing back those memories and once that smile appears it stays on throughout the entire performance.

Take our cast and add in the ingredients of Jim Volkert, Producing Director, Chelsea Selvaggio, Musical Director, and Shonna Talley Nitzel, Artistic Director, and you’ll get one magical fairytale brought to life! Whether you are a fan of Disney or not there is something in this show for everyone. The talent is unbelievable; from the powerful voice of the Beast to the little bah’s that come from the sheep, each person brings something amazing to the stage. It truly is an honor to perform with each and every one of these individuals.
So without further ado I invite you to enter Belle’s World and “be our guest” as Twinsburg Community Theater proudly presents Disney’s Beauty and the Beast! Don’t wait until the last rose petal falls, get your tickets today!
Performances are September 20th-22nd and 27th-29th at the Twinsburg High School Auditorium. Tickets available online at or at the door.