ArtsNow Patron Spotlight: Dominic Moore-Dunson

Art audiences, supporters, and patrons are all vital to a healthy arts and culture sector. This blog series will highlight some of the people who make the arts work in Summit County. Today we hear from Dominic Moore-Dunson, company member and assistant to the artistic director at Inlet Dance Theatre. (Have somebody you want to nominate for the spotlight? Reach out to

What do you wish for arts and culture in Summit County in the next five years?

As I look at the landscape of Arts & Culture in Summit County I hope for a place where arts & culture are increasingly an active part of every conversation surrounding civic life. I think we are off to an incredible start with the implementation of the Akron Cultural Plan in our city. I’m excited to see the progression of this plan and how it will affect our communities at large!

Why is it so important to you to support arts and culture and why does it matter to you?

Arts & Culture has been the foundation of my life since I was in grade school. I am an alumnus of Miller South School of Visual and Performing Arts and Akron School of the Arts at Firestone High School. I’ve spent my life seeing the world through an arts education. It’s given me the ability to see the world differently than most of my peers. I’m excited Summit county breeds artists of all mediums who are creating, implementing, and executing projects that make this county a great place to live!