ArtsNow Friend of the Arts: Kate Schlademan, The Learned Owl
When did The Learned Owl Open?
The Learned Owl Book Shop opened in 1968.
Tell us a little about your work in supporting the Summit County Literary community.
We host local authors in our store almost every week and often travel to libraries and festivals in NE Ohio to sell books for local authors as well as national authors on book tour. We have also participated in the Independent Bookstore Day Passport program with other NE Ohio stores such as Mac’s Backs, Loganberry, and Appletree. Sadly, we had to postpone Independent Bookstore Day this year. It was supposed to be this Sat. 4/25. We will hopefully be celebrating Sat. 8/29.
What makes the Summit County literary community unique?
The Summit County literary community is so robust. We are blessed with a wealth of authors representing all genres, wonderful bookstores, University of Akron Press, Kent State University Press, the Wick Poetry Center, Sisters in Crime, and numerous libraries that keep our communities engaged.
What do you love most about The Learned Owl?
The thing I love best about The Learned Owl isn’t really a thing but a feeling. Being surrounded by books everyday instills in me a peace that I can’t find anywhere else. The smell of the books, the creaky floors, the opportunity for a different experience with each book you open all go together to fill my heart.
How can we support the shop?
We are taking online orders, www.learnedowl.com, as well as phone orders. We are offering free delivery in Hudson, Stow, and Twinsburg for the duration of the Stay-at-Home order as well as $.99 media mail shipping. We have started to do a limited amount of contact-less pick up at the store for items that are time-sensitive like required reading for area schools.