COVID-19 Advocacy Center

Advocacy Center: COVID-19

Actively supporting our artists and cultural organizations is always important – but proactive, additional support during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 crisis is essential.

*NEW* Americans for the Arts Advocacy Alert for 5/15/20: Tonight, the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on passage of a $3 trillion COVID-19 relief aid package titled the HEROES Act. While the Republican-led Senate and the White House have indicated they are not interested in passing another COVID-19 relief package yet, there will likely be some key components of the current bill that arts advocates would like to see survive a negotiated House-Senate relief compromise package.  You can weigh in now by sending a message to your Congressional delegation. The highlights of the HEROES Act gives some indication how a future relief package could support the arts sector and can be downloaded here:

Talking Points for Arts Advocacy:

Ohio Citizens for the Arts: OCA has been tracking reports on the impact of COVID-19 on the creative community in Ohio. Keep current here: 4/21/20

Alliance of Artists Communities has joined with national partners from the Cultural Advocacy Group (CAG) to issue a statement that was delivered to Congress last week and includes key talking points you can use in your emails and calls. 4/21/20

Advocacy talking points provided by Ohio Citizens for the Arts can be downloaded here 4/13/20

Freelance Advocacy Project
This growing platform—created by a group of independent workers—is currently focusing its efforts on aggregating resources, building action toward a rent freeze and advocating for vulnerable communities.

Understand the economic impact of COVID-19

Advocacy: What you can do as an individual and as an organization – Learn more 4/8/20

Advocacy Resource Alert 3/30/20, Americans for the Arts: Americans for the Arts Action Fund President Bob Lynch, Executive Director Nina Ozlu Tunceli, and Americans for the Arts Advocacy and Research Staff will brief our members on the COVID-19 Relief Package in a Phone/Zoom call tomorrow, March 31st at 3:00 pm EDT.  This event is free to all who register, please register as soon as possible.  Due to technical capacity, the live webinar will be open to the first 1000 participants. If you are unable to make the event live, register anyway for first access to the recording within 48 hours

Americans for the Arts: Get all of your COVID-19 Arts Federal Policy Updates on this landing page:

Advocacy Alert 3/19/20: Join us in calling on Congress TODAY to designate a minimum of $4 billion—to be distributed through the National Endowment for the Arts—to help offset losses in the nonprofit arts industry and expand eligibility through additional federal programs to ensure artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses in the creative economy can utilize business interruption relief. You can find who represents you here:

Survey for Artists: We are working with colleagues across the state to identify the immediate and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on artists and teaching artists. Ohio Citizens for the Arts has requested this form be completed by all artists to determine impact statewide and locally as they advocate for resources.

Survey for Arts and Culture Organizations and Businesses: Ohio Citizens for the Arts has requested this form be completed by all nonprofit and for-profit arts and culture venues and organizations to determine impact statewide and locally as they advocate for resources.

Americans for the Arts have created a survey: The Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector for those working in arts and culture to complete.

On January 20, 2020, the first coronavirus patient in the United States was confirmed. This survey is designed to collect information about the financial and human impacts that the spread of the coronavirus have had on arts and cultural organizations since that date. The survey also collects basic information about the participating organizations so that the data can be parsed by specific geographic regions, artistic disciplines, and budget categories.